Humans & Systems for Sustainability

Post #CoP27 reflections!

How does the previous CoP translate to Young people, especially those in Tanzania…?

Young Africans and Climate Mobility:

Our Work

What we do

Make Some Noise


Through Climate Outreach Events and Campaigns, Creative Storytelling, Environment Documentaries Production and engaging in Policy Discussions.

Sustainable Community Led Solutions


Through Simple technologies creating Waste Sorting Machines and Tools, harnessing the power of Data through Surveys, Sorting and Planning. Deploying AI tools and Drone Technology.

Knowledge Is Power


By organising Eco-Entrepreneurship Workshops and developing sustainability focused curricular for schools. Doing in-depth research reviews on climate issues as well as implementing Skills Co-creation Models and creating interactive Eco-Games.


Young Africans and Climate Mobility:

Over the years, communities have been seen to evolve. Without dispute, it is visible in common social examples as people’s preferences, trends, behaviour patterns and lifestyles in general change and forces them to move.

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Do you have a minute?

Youth4Climate Delegates Tanzania are partnering with Young Climate advocates and professionals to put it this survey form that is aimed to collect youth views and foster meaningful engagement towards CoP27. 


The Global Dumpsite: Our Coasts & the Youth.

Oceans are the largest carbon sink on the planet, meaning that they help absorb CO2 emissions from human activity like industrial production and store it safely deep within its ground.

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About Us

Who we are

Bringing tech solutions to grassroots communities.

No Taka is a mobile Climate Action Eco Hub based in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, leveraging Technology, Innovation, Advocacy and Learning to impact generations with skills and information on Sustainability and Circular Economy.

 At No Taka, the complexities of Climate Change as a networked issue are narrowed down to simple and practical concepts through project activities that birth an eco-conscious society and individuals.

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